
Steps to Employment

Steps to Employment

Enable deaf young people to gain key skills and knowledge to secure meaningful employment

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Training and Consultancy in Schools

For Schools

Working in schools and Hearing Support Units allows Deafax to take our work to the very heart of education.

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RSE (Relationship & Sex Education)

RSE (Relationship & Sex Education)

The ideal resource for teachers and students to teach and learn about the topics of SafeSex and STIs.

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Training and Consultancy for Health Professionals

For Health Professionals

We provide developed specialist deaf awareness training and support for health professionals.

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Visual Music Modules

Visual Music Modules

We offer three modules following the national curriculum for music - ‘Everyday Sounds’,‘Rhythm’ and 'Genres'

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PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

A selection of deaf-friendly workshops designed to support the teaching of PSHE education covering personal wellbeing, economic wellbeing and financial capability.

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Training and Consultancy for Organisations

For Organisations

Delivering tailor-made deaf awareness and BSL workshops.

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